Thursday, December 28, 2017

Ending the year with a few new pets

And they are like pets ! Miniature Orchids , at least I don't have to throw balls for them all day . But I do find myself carrying one or two around the house , from East facing window sill to South facing sill  and back again  for more.

Since I don't know my Oncidium from a Dendrobium , Let alone a Epiphtonitis I had to keep them all tagged. 

I thought engraved  Copper tags would be nicer .

In some cases the tag is bigger than the plant , but I can tuck it away.

I think Philip read my post about missing my old copper plant mister . Yes ... a copper/ brass  mister  and a matching watering can !  I do seem to always have a spray mister in my hand these days .  Thank you Philip !

And more Christmas presents ...1,650  pages of minature Orchids ... should keep me going for 2018.

Friday, December 15, 2017

An indoor December bloom day..

I went out yesterday and took a few photos for today. Then I realized they were the  same blooms I posted last month  , just a bit weather battered .
So , I'll  forget those and show my in door blooms : The lovely white Cyclamen has been with me for  few years now , probably a  past Christmas purchase .

I couldn't resist  this pale yellow primula vulgaris 

The Christmas Cactus 

This cheeky little monkey is from Lockhartia linifera a miniature orchid bloom .

Another miniature Oncidium 'twinkles' just beginning to bloom.

And lastly  Dendrobium   Diamondhead x compactium  which  just started blooming  yesterday .  The  miniature Orchids  will need a separate post , it looks like another collection .

Saturday, December 9, 2017

A frosty start to December

At last a frosty morning ! I was getting bored with  wet and cold . 

Berries ...remember to plant more berries next year .

I'm always impressed how the shade garden tidies itself up so quickly , most of the plants have just melted into the ground.

A  light sprinkle of  frost for December .
Last year this time was the start of something not so light .